Lake Heron Homeowners Association Inc.

Lake Heron is located just east of US Route 41 and one half mile south of State Road 54, in Lutz/Land O’ Lakes/Pasco County, Florida.

Lake Heron is a deed restricted community composed of 163 individually owned residences. Each building has four to six villa units. Recreation elements include a clubhouse for meetings and social community events, our own lending library, a large swimming pool, and two hard surface tennis courts. The community maintains its own private park where residents may adopt and maintain their own flower garden, and a 13 acre lake. An enclosed and gated RV storage park is available to residents.

Board of Directors

President: Tiffany Wells

Vice President: Linn Torres

Secretary: Mark Cravens

Treasurer: Bill Prall

Director at Large: Max Saus

Property Manger: Angela Hester 


TIME 6:30pm



MONTHLY AGENDA February 2024

Lake Heron Volunteers

Social Committee

Pam Kelley- Chairperson

Mark & Jill Cravens

Welcome Committee

Sherry Williamson- Chairperson

Mike Flanagan

Newsletter The “Banner”

Dee Ryder

Architectural Control and Approval

Rachael Powers-Chairperson

Vickie Garcia

Finance Committee

John Copeland – Chairperson

David Powers

Max Saus

Tiffany Wells

Lake Heron Park

Linn Torres – Chairperson

Kathy & Sam Gray

Lee Carter

Pam Schwebi

Bonnie Mikulla

Sheila King

Beatriz Patino

Mike Flanagan

Rachel Powers

Linda Brunner

Jerry Miller

Mark & Jill Cravens

Bill & Jennifer Prall

Max Saus

Barb Charvat

RV Storage Rental Facility

Max Saus- Chairperson

Hoke Cash

Larry Kelly

Waste Connections- 727-847-9100

Wright Termite & Pest Control – 948-0229

For roof leaks and irrigation call or email:

Angela Hester email:

University Properties Inc. – 813-980-1000

Community Association Institute Suncoast Chapter (CAI) has awarded,

Lake Heron Homeowners Association, Inc.

2012 Community of the Year!

Help Protect Lake Heron and your neighborhood. Keep an eye open for suspicious activities. Call your Pasco County Sheriff.


For Any Emergency, please call 911

To request a deputy for a

non-emergency, please call our Communication Center at 727-844-7711. Please note that these calls are prioritized according to the urgency of the incident.

Rental of Lake Heron Clubhouse

Please contact University Properties 813-980-1000

Clubhouse rental

Lake Heron Banner

Lake Heron Documents

Lake Heron Standards




Manager for Lake Heron HOA. Inc.

Angela Hester  813-980-1000